Professor Dumitru PATRICHE was always that special person inspiring us to give our best in discovering knowledge and innovation, in order to become what we potentially are on the continuous way of shaping our personality. And all this as a continual extension of his powerful personality while guiding us in creating our way by our walking.
Professor Iacob CATOIU, a distinguished representative of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, and Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee, published in February 2008, in the well-known “Amfiteatru Economic” Journal, a profound testimony: “A MODEL FOR THE FUTURE GENERATIONS: PROFESSOR DUMITRU PATRICHE” (pp. 260-263, “Amfiteatru Economic”, No. 23/2008 (http://www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro/RevistaDetalii_RO.aspx?Cod=8).
More recently, at the end of 2011, a testimony coming from the last former PhD student of Professor Dumitru PATRICHE was published in the Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine. Just take a look (https://crd-aida.ro/RePEc/rdc/v2i4/6.pdf ), thanks to RePEc – central index of economics research!