At the end of 2009, Virgil Popa” delighted us with a challenging book – “Supply Chain Management in Consumer Goods Industry & Retail” – „SCM for ECR”, Valahia University Press, 2009. He begins from the significance of the growth commonly agreed by the members of the distribution/supply networks, advocating, to offer some examples, for: collaborative excellency; the strategy of categories management as strategic business units and the co-responsability towards purchasing and selling; the progress made from transactions to relations and from products to complete solutions; the value recognized by consumer-buyer; measuring the performance of the alliance within the supply chain resorting to the ECR Global Scorecard model which allows monitoring the progress of the implementation in four key areas (demand, offer, enablers, integrators), using the balanced scorecard as a piloting tool of the performance of the key process in the supply chain; the performance of the supply chain and its collaborative strategic management via a level-headed balanced scorecard, the key performance indicators being related directly to the Scorecard for integrated organizations and reflecting progress in the implementation etc.
The readers may take note of a plea for understanding the reality of the actual challanges in the supply chain centered on the consumer: developing a good prediction of client demand, the optimal production of the right product at the right time and bringing the right product at the right point of distribution in order to meet the service requirements of the client, the dramatic increase in the volume of information which has to be maintained in an accessible system and in an usable form etc.
This new book bearing the signature of Virgil Popa substantiates the undeniable reality that any business growing, especially if it aims for a smart growth, reaches the so-called „moments of truth” when it has to decide how to ensure the supply chain management so that it can produce value to the client integrating all the competences in the chain.
As a proof of his continuous journey focused on supporting scientific material disseminated and its own applications, ensuring the supply chain management so that it can produce value to the client integrating all the competences in the chain, Editor in Chief, Professor Virgil Popa Ph.D. (Member of ECR- Europe Academic Partnership; Member of Supply Chain Management Professionals, USA; Member of the Board of ECR Romania; Member of the Board of Romanian Distribution Committee) invited us to teamworking within the „Supply Chain Management Journal”:
The involvement of Professor Virgil Popa, PhD, Head of ECR department of the Romanian Distribution Committee, reflected by the prestigious specialized publication.