Professor Gheorghe Zaman, PhD, Associate Member of the Romanian Academy, Vice President of the Economic, Law, and Sociological Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy, President of the General Association of Economists from Romania (AGER), President of the Scientific Council of Romanian Scientific Management Society (SSMAR), and Chairman of the Group of Experts of the Romanian Distribution Committee (as proof of special merit receiving an excellence award: „RESPAD Trophy”).
Professor Gheorghe Zaman is the Director of the Insitute for National Economy (IEN), the oldest public settlement of economic research in Romania, set up in 1953. Starting with 1990, following the re-organization of Romanian economic research, IEN was reintegrated in the Romanian Academy network, as an autonomous fundamental and advanced economic research unit, a component of the National Insitute for Economic Researches.
Professor Gheorghe Zaman is a real „design thinker” (confirming this concept introduced by Roger Martin), proving an evident passion for the dynamic interplay of balancing analytical mastery and intuitive originality, and advancing step by step through the “knowledge funnel”, growing the productivity and dropping the costs, and inviting all of us to join the avenue of economic research, to integrate both, the team’s research with belief and the new knowledge obtained with the application of this new knowledge. One can say that this a natural fact for someone specialised in the field of economic-mathematical modeling of consumption at the „Department of Applied Economics”, Cambridge University, England since 1969, under the direction of Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate Richard Stone (awarded in 1984 „for having made fundamental contributions to the development of systems of national accounts and hence greatly improved the basis for empirical economic analysis”), Joan Robinson, Maurice Dobb, and Nicholas Kaldor.
His constant pledge for interdisciplinary-multidiscipinary research enjoys national and international recognition, Professor Zaman being invited as a distinguished keynote speaker, at Congresses and International Scientific Symposia in USA, England, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, China, Japan, Korea, Poland, United Nations Organization, UNCTAD, UNESCO etc., including at the level of the „Transatlantic Cooperation 21st”. He serves as an editor of several major academic journals, including of the „Romanian Distribution Commitee Magazine”, and he has earned, for his well-known achievements as author, researcher and scholar, an national and international reputation. He was Associate Member and visiting professor at higher education and scientific research institutions in USA (International Center for Economic Growth), Japan, China. Professor Gheorghe Zaman is cited in the specialized literature in France, USA, Germany, Japan, etc. , in publications of the EU institutions, United Nations Organization, World Bank, ICEG, International Economic Association.
Professor Gheorghe Zaman received numerous awards and diplomas in the country as well as abroad. He had a number of participations abroad and as a member or leader of the Romanian delegation in joint committees (Romania-England, Romania-Denmark, Romania-Russia etc.) or Congresses and sessions of international organizations (United Nations Organization, UNESCO, World Bank, PNUD, Balkan Association of Economists, International Economic Association, European Union etc.). He has also prepared several studies and specialized researches for the substantiation of regulations, strategies and programs in the field of privatization, macroeconomic stabilization policies, sustainable development, scientific research and technology development reforms and legislations, at the request of institutions and national authorities. Professor Gheorghe Zaman coordinated numerous bilateral and multilateral scientific research international projects within programs such as ACE PHARE, INCO-COPERNICUS, ICEG, PNUD etc. He was co-trainer, consultant or member of the working groups of certain EU Committees for evaluating the use of assistance for Romania within the PHARE Program, at the Eruopean Institute in Romania, World Bank, Price Waterhouse, Roland Berger, Coopers&Lybrands, Daewoo Institute etc.
It is worth to mention that Professor Gheorghe Zaman, together with Professor Theodor Purcarea were the two lead discussants of the works of the Symposium “The Economy of Ideas and Sustainable Development” organized on May 16, 2000 at the Parliament House by the Romanian Distribution Committee together with the “International Foundation Health – Environment – Sustainable Development” and in partnership with “ION RATIU” Romanian Parliamentarians Club. Professor Zaman co-authored the Study “Sustainable development : principles and action” (Millenium Publishing House, May 2000), the interdisciplinary research representing a turning point in developing a national strategy for sustainable development.
On the occasion of the 24th International Congress of AIDA Brussels organized by the Romanian Distribution Committee in Bucharest in May 1998, Professor Gheorghe Zaman had a significant exchange of ideas with prestigious participants such as: Leon F. Wegnez, (Secretary General of AIDA Brussels, and Member of French Academy of Commercial Sciences), Riccardo Garosci (Vice President of Economic and Monetary Commission of the European Parliament, and European Raporteur for „Green Book for European Commerce”), Louis Guelette (IBM Vice President, Distribution), William Web (Director Retail and Distribution Management Institute, London), Jean-Jacques Van den Heede (Vice President ACNielsen), Georges Chetochine (considered a „European Advertising Guru”), Bernd Hallier (Managing Director of EHI Retail Institute based in Köln, Germany; Professor Hallier is also the “designer” of the European Retail Academy, and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of EuroShop, world’s largest capital goods show in the retail sector), and other important people.