The President of the Romanian Distribution Committee is an economist (graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Specialization International Economic Relations, 1979; Ph.D. in Economy, 1993, Specialization International Economic Relations), Professor at the Romanian-American University, Management-Marketing Chair holder, and Associate Scientific Researcher, Romanian Academy, National Institute for Economic Research, being also a Member of the Romanian Academy’s Commission for the Prospective Studies (2010). He is a Member of the Board of the International Association for the Distributive Trade (A.I.D.A. Brussels, 1996), and Honorary Member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (1998). Vice President of the Scientific Council of the Romanian Scientific Management Society (SSMAR, 2010)
Theodor Valentin Purcărea is the Editor-in-Chief of “Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine” (the scientific work paper of the Romanian Distribution Committee), Editor-in-Chief of “Holistic Marketing Management”Journal (the scientific work paper of the School of Management-Marketing, Romanian-American University), Member of the Editorial Board of “Romanian Economic and Business Review” (REBE, Romanian-American University), Member of the Editorial Board of „Marketing-Management” Review of the Romanian Marketing Association – AROMAR, Member of the Editorial Board of “Supply Chain Management” Journal (ECR Department, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Valahia University of Targoviste), Member of the Scientific Council of „Journal of Medicine and Life” Review of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, and External reviewer, „Amfiteatru Economic” Review of Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
In what concerns the Public Appointments,he was: Former President of the Romanian Competition Council (December, 2001- March, 2004), and Competition Counselor (September, 1996 – December, 2001); Former Secretary of State and General Director, in the Ministry of Trade (1991-1996); Former Member of the Board of the State Ownership Found (1993-1994); Former Vice-President of the Interdepartmental Committee for vital Imports for the National Economy (1993-1994).
He received several Honours and Awards:
►The “Virgil Madgearu” Prize awarded by the Romanian Academy on 19th December 2003 (“Marketing. Preparation of the way to competitiveness”, first author);
►The “Victor Babeş” Prize awarded by the Romanian Academy on December 2009 (“Healthcare Services Marketing”, coauthor);
►The “Victor Slăvescu” Prize awarded by the Romanian Academy on December 2009 (“Business Management Treaty”, coauthor);
► Brussels Diplomatic Gazette no. 45/December 2004, introduces him as a „personality of the associative International World, enjoying a great reputation”;
►Anniversary Medal “10 years since Romania’s admission into the Council of Europe”, offered by the Romanian Parliament, no. 58/07.10.2003;
►Honorary Diploma, Bucharest Polytechnic University, 9 June 2001;
►Diploma for „Personality of Romanian Science and Technique”, Tehnica Publishing House, 27 may 2000;
►Thanks (Letter) received from European Raporteur (for the “Green Book on Commerce” prepared by the European Commission) in March 1997 for his contribution to the professional development of European Commerce.
Theodor Valentin Purcărea is the author of the book „Business Management”, Expert Publishing House, June 1994, a book distributed in Romania Privatization Public Awareness Campaign, according to “The Final Report Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ( p. 19) within Eastern Europe Enterprise Restructuring and Privatization Project, U. S. Agency for International Development, April 1995, Tohmatsu, May 1, 1995).
You may find below some of his significant various contributions:
►Organiser of the first event regarding Sustainable Development which took place at the Romanian Parliamentarians Club, The House of Parliament, May 16, 2000, being one of the two coordinators (Beniamin Cotigaru&Theodor Purcarea) of the interdisciplinary research work – “Sustainable development: Principles and actions” – which the debates were based on; he formulated a decisive proposal towards a national sustainable development strategy; this inter-disciplinary research work has introduced in Anexe 1 a Program, having 4 sub-programs, of research and development); this Symposium („Knowledge economy and sustainable development”) has been signaled as first topicality by „Tribuna Economica” Magazine, no. 18/ May 3, 2000;
►His intervention was presented in position 1 of the Final Report of the Working Group for Trade and Competition Policy of the World Trade Organisation, April 2002;
►He was a Member of the Advocacy Working Group, International Competition Network (ICN), being co-author of the First ICN Report: “Advocacy and Competition Policy”, Report prepared by the Advocacy Working Group, International Competition Network, ICN’s Conference, Naples, Italy, September, 2002 (doc358.pdf);
►Co-president, at the proposal of the European Commission, along with the representative of the Federal Trade Commission, USA, of the Working Group for the Capacity Building of the Competition Authorities (ICN, 2003);
►He was reporting the findings of the second annual reunion of I.C.N. (Merida, Mexico, 2003);
►Lead discussant OECD, Paris, 2003; in January and February 2004 OECD broadcasts two of its documents presented by: “/ Obstacles Faced By Competition Authorities In Achieving Greater Economic Development Through The Promotion Of Competition – CCNM/GF/COMP/WD(2004)6 – by Theodor Valentin Purcărea, PhD; „Enforcement Against Private Anti Competitive Conduct Has Contributed To Economic Development” – CCNM/GF/COMP/WD(2004)7, OECD) - by Theodor Valentin Purcărea, PhD;
►Opening speech of the Forum and Reports presented in November 2002, at the Seoul Competition Forum – OECD, UNCTAD, KFTC. – „Potential WTO approaches to hard cartels”, Competition Forum OECD, UNCTAD, KFTC, Seoul, 2002; „The relations between competition authorities and sectoral regulators”, Competition Forum OECD, UNCTAD, KFTC, Seoul, 2002, Procompetitive reform – How to Introduce Greater Competition into … ;
►Participation in the ESEN-2 Research program of the Romanian Academy and subsequently in ESEN-3, being co-author of the study (April 2004) “A functional market economy and competition policy in Romania”;
►Promoter of the competition culture in Romania, pointing out the imperative need to speed up adoption of the Competition Law in Romania (“An intersection towards future, competition – consumer protection”, in “Adevărul Economic”, no.51-52/17-31 dec.1994; “There are chances for a normal competitive environment”, in “Adevărul Economic”, no. 48(194)/25 nov.-1 dec.1995), fact recorded in 1996, at the first hearing in the Parliament of those who were about to become the first representatives of the Competition Council; in 2000 he emphasized the significance of the competition’s constructive uncertainty (“From <<growth and certainty limits>> to<<competition’s constructive uncertainty>>”, C.I.D.E., I.N.C.E., Romanian Academy, no. 8/2000), and on May 5, 2003 he proposed, in writing, to the Romanian Academy, a partnership with the goal of promoting the competition culture; following, the partnership proposal with the goal of promoting the competition culture was introduced on May 13, 2003, at the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters, on the occasion of the Forum that marked four years of activity of the Alliance for Romania’s economic development (ADER); the well-known European Commissioner Mario Monti congratulated him personally (letter no. D/001049/6.11.02) for his commitment to building an effective competition policy;
►In November 1996 he was the representative of the Competition Council at the first meeting organized by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the topic „The impact of the Competition Law on the economic undertakings’ activities”, the debate being reflected by the „Economic Messenger” no. 51/2 – 8.12.1996, the event being registered in the first Competition Council Report;
► He was the initiator and the author of the letter no. 265/08.02.2002, representing a first form of systematization of accelerated steps necessary for the integration in the national effort with Romania’s accession to the European Union (the recipients of the letter are registered in the 2002 Report of the Competition Council; p. 8: „This timetable had been complied with, the actions being fulfilled”);
►For his intervention on the occasion of the debate organized at the headquarters of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris („The effectiveness of competition policy”, February 2002, in the eve of the opening of the Competition Global Forum, OECD; it was recorded in “La Gazette du Palais”, 29-30, Paris) he received congratulations from Mario Monti, Al. Schaub and F. Jenny.
► Lead discussant “ The retail market” Conference, June 4, 2002, World Trade Center, Bucharest, June 4 2002, „Conferences – The financial markets” (his intervention: “Competition on the retail and distribution market at international level”);
► Lead discussant, in February 1997, of the International Seminar – organized by European Center for Technical and Professional competence and A.S.E. Bucharest at Continental Hotel, Bucharest– with the topic „Present and perspectives regarding quality assurance of products and services, in the context of the globalization of markets”;
►Member in the Conference’s Scientific Committe (and one of the four moderators of the sessions) „Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development”, organized by the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), April 10, 2009, Bucharest;
►Quoted in international data bases since 1985 and 1987:
a) /tardir/mig/a338567.tiff,Purcarea; REVISTA ECONOMICA, No 40, 4 Oct 85) … 30 …… Article by Purcarea: “Restructuring in the Export Offerings of Romanian …;
b) /tardir/tiffs/A356937.tiff, Purcarea; REVISTA ECONOMICA, No 51, 19 Dec 87). FACTORY AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS. Automation of GDR Industrial Production …
c)„Retailers and suppliers with shared ambition”, 5/17/1998, , AIDA International Conference,;
d)„How to better and guarantee the future of your business”, 6/7/2004, , AIDA International Conference, etc.
►Project manager in Grant contract, Romanian Academy, no. 196 from 13.08.2007 with the title: The increase in the competitiveness of the FMCG sector by the operationalization of the knowledge transfer from the academic partnership ECR – Romania towards Romanian enterprises providers/ Evaluation of the situation of the FMCG sector in Romania and the possibilities for operationalization of the knowledge transfer from the Academic Partnership ECR – Romania towards Romanian enterprises providers (“…it is required a new competition law because the nature of the competition has been changed, competition taking place less in the open market and more inside corporate control, thus tending to become less creative in nature”);
►Author (9) and co-author (21) of a number of books and courses (for example, in 2010: “The ongoing challenge: How to remain competitive in the global service economy”, “B2B Marketing”, “Customer Relationship Marketing”, “Logistics and Distribution Management”, “Customer Relationship Management”, “Brand Management”), including “The Economic History of Romania” (II), Economica Publishing House, co-author, March 2000;
►Over 290 articles published; for example, in 2008-2010: Ethics, the Actual Stake of Restructuring the Trade Relations, in Amfiteatru Economic, 23/2008; Distribution in Romania at the shelf supremacy’s moment of truth: competition and cooperation, in Amfiteatru Economic, 24/2008; Energy, an actual priority within the target of market reconcilliation with public policy aspirations in contemporary debate, Energetica, 6/2009; Confidence crisis and exiting naive realism through integrative thinking, Romanian Economic and Business Review, Summer 2009, Volume 4, Number 2; Actual challenges in approaching ECR. Value discipline as mega trend and commitment to client value. Redesign of the Supply Chain Management for an Efficient Consumer Response in times of crisis, 2009, Supplement of The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Section: Economic Sciences; Distribution in Romania in the co-intersection competition-cooperation and the challenge represented by the problematic“food – health –wellness”. What luck for the “European dream” in the context of the global economic crisis? Les Annales de l’Université Valahia Targoviste, No. 28/2009; Innovating at the level of the manufacturer-retailer relationship to ensure customer satisfaction and delight, Metalurgia International, Special issue no 5 – 2010; The partnership between supply chain, customer and logistics network in creating tangible business value, Supplement of The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Section: Economic Sciences, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium ECR Academic Partnership – Romania SCM4ECR, 2010; Consumption patterns and solutions to stop environmental degradation, Environmental Almanac, No. 2, 2010, Eurolobby Publishing House, Bucharest;Supply Chain Management Journal, Building a true partnership by making operational innovation work at the level of SCM for ECR, Supply Chain Management Journal, Issue 1, 2010
Escaping the economic turn down through performing employees, creative leaders and growth driver capabilities in the Romanian pharmaceutical industry, „Farmacia”, 2011, Vol.59.