Dr. Tudorita ALBU, Director of the Primary School No. 11 “St. O. Iosif” from Brasov, recognized as a “European School”, is continuing her struggle for performance thanks to a virtues-led management
Dr. Tudorita ALBU, Director of the Primary School No. 11 “St. O. Iosif” from Brasov, recognized as a “European School”, is continuing her struggle to prove that the School remains the place where each generation will pass on its values. Within this well-known framework, Dr. Tudorita ALBU advocates for virtues-led management, virtues as applied in the school, hence the positive culture that allowed the submission of a substantial effort in terms of training and development programs, both by promoting the universal values (love, integrity, justice, support and respect relationships from top management to bottom and from bottom to top), and national ones (the passion for the recovery of these values and promoting the authentic being obvious).
Ever since five years ago the mass media recorded that at the level of the Primary School No. 11 “St. O. Iosif” in Brasov there are responsible concerns – that sign up, in fact, for the directions promoted by SANABUNA International Congress (http://www.sanabuna.ro/ ) – started in the 2007-2008 school year through a plea “for health and life”, following 2007 where there was a participation in the “chain of tolerance and peace” (planting trees together with Schools all around the world – Gazeta de Transilvania, September 19, 2007) and healthy eating was promoted among students (“European Food of Healthy Food and Cooking”, 2007), organizing, for example, a meeting with the topic “Healthy food between traditional and modern” (Gazeta de Transilvania, November 9, 2007). Besides, a few months later, in the following year, 2008, a significant signal was given concerning responsible action related to the promotion of healthy food in the units of pre-universitary education (http://ecaterinaandronescu.wordpress.com/2008/05/17/proiectul-de-lege-pentru-o-alimentatie-sanatoasa-in-unitatile-de-invatamant-preuniversitar/). Subsequently, the importance for consistent action for healthy eating was highlighted in 2011 (https://www.crd-aida.ro/activitiespartnership/sanabuna-2011/) and this year by the Honorary President of SANABUNA International Congress, Professor Eliot SOREL (http://www.sanabuna.ro/speakers/eliotsorel/ ; http://www.sanabuna.ro/reflections-on-enhancing-health-systems-performance-access-quality-and-affordability/ ).
Even in the year 2011, in which the First SANABUNA International Congress was organized (https://www.crd-aida.ro/activitiespartnership/sanabuna-2011/), the Primary School No. 11 “St. O. Iosif” in Brasov was visited by the well-known Professor John L. STANTON from Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia.
In the opinion of Dr. Tudorita ALBU, Director of the Primary School No. 11 “St. O. Iosif” in Brasov, education means life and civilization transmission, it is how to be prepared for tomorrow, is learning from heart to heart to know how to grow your own flower, the School being the one that provides you with the necessary cultivation, and ensure the nation’s upbringing.