Distinguished Professor Eliot SOREL, Honorary President of the First International Congress ,,Health-Nutrition-Wellbeing”, will launch on October 29, 2012, in San Francisco, a new book: “21st Century Global Mental Health”
The distinguished Professor Eliot SOREL, MD, DLFAPA, George Washington University, Washington D.C., School of Medicine & School of Public Health, Founder Conflict Management Section WPA, Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee WPA 2013 Bucharest and Honorary President of the First International Congress ,,Health-Nutrition-Wellbeing” (www.crd-aida.ro/activitiespartnership/sanabuna-2011/), an internationally acknowledged medical leader, educator, health systems expert and practicing physician, will launch on October 29, in San Francisco, a new book: “21st Century Global Mental Health”, Jones & Bartlett Learning (1 edition August 14, 2012).
Firmly convinced, among others, of the central place occupied by Higher Education within the society (Eliot Sorel, Editor – 21st Century Higher Education: Quality, Leadership, Innovation, The Bucharest Consensus Autumn 2010), Professor Eliot Sorel convinces through his new book – “21st Century Global Mental Health” – that mental health issue is fundamental to the overall health issue. Allow us to remember that, in our opinion, Professor Eliot Sorel proves again his passion, skills and value: to stimulate knowledge generation, innovation, research, human capital development; to close the development gap between the region and the rest of the world, and to open up new major opportunities for collaboration among students, scholars, policymakers and professionals across disciplines and continents; to deliver innovation, education, research projects and policies of mutual benefit, leading to a free, peaceful and prosperous flow of people, ideas and goods; to connect action to thought and implementation to formulation.
It is also worth mentioning, in the perspective of the Second International Congress „Health-Nutrition-Wellbeing”, “SANABUNA International”, October 2012, Fălticeni, Romania, that Professor Eliot Sorel is a strong supporter of the Public-Civic-Private Partnership which can restore trust in life and in the market, including in the “Pilot Station” Fălticeni and an assumed challenge: “Building an East European Regional Model of Thinking and Action”, taking Note of the Real Interest Proved in Fălticeni and in Suceava County in Promoting Public-Civic-Private Partnership, Considering the Entire Range of Potential Benefits: Health Benefits, Social Benefits, Direct and Indirect Economic Benefits, Environmental Benefits.
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