Eleven years since the passing into eternity of Professor ION SMEDESCU, PhD, Founding-President and Rector of the Romanian-American University
Eleven years ago, Professor ION SMEDESCU, Founding Rector of the Romanian-American University (RAU) chose the 5th of October to step on the path of eternity, leaving as legacy the force of the feeling of solidarity in shaping minds and characters. Professor ION SMEDESCU chose the same day as Father STANILOAE, the 5th of October (1993, namely 2008), to step on the path of eternity. Allow us to remember that the competence of Father Staniloae was highlighted by an American Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Keith Hitchins [după cum este cunoscut, Profesorul American de istorie Keith Hithchins de la University of Illinois din Urbana – Champaign, SUA (un membru al Asociaţiei Universităţilor Americane), cunoscut şi ca fiind primul bursier “Fulbright” în România, s-a aplecat şi asupra istoriei noastre începând cu anii şaizeci (şi-a susținut teza de doctorat, cu titlul “The Rumanian National Movement in Transylvania. 1780-1849” la Universitatea Harvard) evidenţia într-o carte publicată la Editura Enciclopedică acum 22 de ani competenţa Părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae – Hithchins, K. (1997). Mit și realitate în istoriografia românească, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucuresti, 1997, pag. 271].
Former student of the “Christian love Theologian” – Father STANILOAE, Professor ION SMEDESCU often mentioned Father Staniloae, speaking of the mysterious beauty of a wonderful landscape and the necessity of the conscious sense of the ordinance, of the beauty, in order to perform a task the right way, in joyful communion. Professor ION SMEDESCU used to state that he learned from his Great Teachers that there is always the need for moderation (as a rational attitude towards pleasure), courage (as a rational attitude towards pain), justice (as respect towards the man) and the feeling of justice, of lawfulness, education meaning first of all respect. Professor ION SMEDESCU widely opened up the gates of knowledge management and innovation, always doing what he thought best and without experiencing any fear, his intuition giving birth to the Romanian – American University, a great service provided to the future generations. Professor ION SMEDESCU lived with intensity, making a constant and coherent effort to transpose in the academic landscape powerful ideas specific to the „cultural architect” that is his beloved „Marketing”, advocating „intelligent growth”. Professor ION SMEDESCU did set himself as a standard, bringing all of them renewed trust, hope and inspiration, year by year. In Professor ION SMEDESCU’s opinion, the number one priority has always represented the student-centered issue.
Giving respect to this great person, always building his shining monument with memories, knowing that beauty exists in what is never forgotten, the Romanian-American University commemorated eleven years since the passing into eternity of Professor ION SMEDESCU, a true agile leader, talent developer, empathizer with students, thinker in multiple time frames, always anticipating and reacting to discontinuities, enhancing capabilities while looking ahead, challenging priorities and inspiring the entire RAU academic family, giving shared ambition and purpose, stimulating innovation. It is worth recalling within this context the well-known inspiring words of Professor ION SMEDESCU: “For me, the Romanian-American University is everything: my home, my profession and my spare time. This establishment of education and science is a mirror of me and of my work for tens of years, my eternal soul, and my idea for the renewal of the concept of work.”
President of RAU Senate, Professor Ana-Maria Preda (who is also the Secretary General of the Romanian Distribution Committee), President of the “Romanian-American Foundation for Promoting Education and Culture” (FRAPEC), Professor Dumitru Miron (who is also an Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee), and RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcuţ (who is also an Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee), invited the audience to honor the legendary RAU Founding-President and Rector ION SMEDESCU (an Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee since 1998) – outstanding personality of the Romanian academic life, renowned specialist in marketing, creator of school and promoter of private higher education – witnessing the strong RAU academic family’s conviction to build and to advance so as to keep RAU dream alive and well. Other distinguished Professors – such as Ion Bulborea (a FRAPEC’s representative, and also an Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee) and Theodor Purcărea – shared their thoughts within this moving commemoration.
After this commemoration ceremony a special commemoration service was held by the Parish Priest Dr. Ioan-Paul Crîngaşu at the Chapel of the Romanian-American University. It is also well-known that the Parish Priest Dr. Ioan-Paul Crîngaşu at the Chapel of the Romanian-American University is the author of the book entitled << The debate of the concept of “Re-evangelization” of Europe. An Orthodox perspective >> (Andreiana Publishing House, Sibiu, 2018), at the beginning of this book introducing a memorable quote from Father STĂNILOAE: “If I were young again I would do everything to re-evangelize Europe” (Pr. Dumitru Stăniloae, apud His Beatitude DANIEL, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, in “Treasures of Orthodoxy”, Trinitas Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007, p. 1).
Allow us to also recall that on January 16, 2014, His Beatitude DANIEL, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Bucharest, and Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, has consecrated the painting of the Romanian-American University’s Chapel and inaugurated the “Lux Mundi” reading room. Within this special context, His Beatitude also remembered the very special moment with His Beatitude TEOCTIST, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Professor ION SMEDESCU, RAU Founding Rector on the occasion of the Consecration of the Romanian-American University Chapel in 2007.
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